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Going away parties

So, this week. I really should do this month, not this week, but that would take a lot longer.

Saturday 5/6
Left Muncie @ 5:15AM after 2 hours of sleep, heading towards Indianapolis with my Dad and brother-in-law, picking up a few other guys on the way, and braving the Indy Mini! A half marathon, 13.1 miles, which my Dad still beat me like he did 2 years ago, but this time by only 2 minutes instead of 10 minutes (his time: 1:46, mine: 1:48). And here are the pics of me and my 'fro. The three of us spent the rest of the day patting ourselves on the back and enjoying the family back home. (Kugel with dinner!) Greg left for his study abroad program this upcoming Tuesday morning, a semester in various Asian countries.

Sunday 5/7
Slept in, Mass w/ the fam, eventually headed up to South Bend to have dinner with the Havard's who I'll start living with in a few days, so good to get a bit more face time with them. Four kids plus another guy a bit younger than me also living with them. I'm sure y'all will hear much more about them in the future. Unloaded some stuff and then got a good start back on the road for Chicago and got in at a decent hour to dig through crap in my apartment and do some laundry. My landlord hates me.

Monday 5/8
More laundry and organizing in my apartment, not a whole lot else! A lull before the hurricane.

Tuesday 5/9
Holy Name young adult leadership planning team meeting. Nick is getting married! They gave me a "retirement" card and a necklace with a mini version of the huge "Resurrection Jesus" crucifix that hangs over the altar. Standing around outside afterward, a homeless man was begging us for change, and our leader - Kristin - eventually addresses him directly by name, gently but firmly telling him that we can't help. I think we were all kinda caught off guard that she knew this guy, both reassured and amazed at the reality of social justice and charity she was showing witness to. She went on to explain the ways the parish has worked on helping him get money that he needs.

Fwd: Cooper ATE SUSHI!!
Wednesday 5/10
Walked over to Lucky Strike bowling to spend a few hours with some friends/co-workers, having some drinks and throwing a few balls. Definitely a fun time, followed by 6 of us walking over to a nearby sushi place. 4 of us, including me, are sushi lovers, and we were very encouraging to the other 2. :) The picture on the top right is Chris and John who were there.

Thursday 5/11
A few of us from work joined good number of others at Niketown's weekly group run tonight, surprisingly good numbers given the crappy weather. About 10 of us went to TGIF's and sat at a big corner table to talk, eat, drink, and enjoy an hour or so of hanging out. Another fun night, I'm kinda being overwhelmed with the volume of activities going on, none of them are all that big but there are so many.

Friday 5/12
This will be the most difficult day - getting everything wrapped up at work while also saying goodbyes! I know I won't be able to get everything done I hope to, but here's for trying and getting the essentials in! Not to mention the insanity of the evening that is planned. Not really insanity, but feels like flea that will break the camel's back! :)

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