I just this morning installed a stats collector on here and it has been put to immediate use. I see that a few folks are finding their way here from blogs4God, via a link posted today. Hello, welcome to my vain little corner. Please excuse the mess. For you, and as a reminder for my friends, this is a rickety little blog where you'll find some ramblings of my mind, produced from any number of paths my mind takes. I heartily welcome comments, thoughts, suggestions, rants, questions, and shameless plugs for your own blog. Please share!
A couple nights ago I went to Theology on Tap to hear John O'Callaghan speak about "The Church & Science and Technology - Are Science and Technology the Enemy?" He didn't refer directly to the Catholic Church at all throughout it, but referred more implicitly to the body of Christ which the Church consists of. I'd like to summarize my experience of it rather than a comprehensive overview of all of it. Regarding the ethical dilemma of creating technologies that may be used for evil, there are two things to consider: We need to remain concerned about the big picture and not just the work on our desk. I work in a small division currently which forces me to be aware of the business opportunities and risks rather than just the programming that has been assigned to me. This needs to be equally true of our moral ethics. The relationships we experience in our work are quite possibly more important than our work may be. We struggle with whether the variety of e