Last night, Sheila and Laura G hosted a pasta dinner in order to help a few of us carbo-load prior to the Sunburst races this morning in South Bend. What a blessing that was, as well as the opportunity to watch a recording of the Gaudet home on Extreme Home Makeover. What an incredible home, and ability of the team to highlight the passions and struggles of the Gaudet family! This morning I caught a few of us before the race for well-wishes, and then we lingered after our respective races to wait for everyone to get in. The finale was the incredible sight of Sarah H finishing her first ever half-marathon! The weather was beautiful, if humid, and it has remained incredible today. I'm discovering more and more that whenever the seasons change, I personally feel a fresh awareness of the wonderful experiences that life is, a gift from God. Another thing I'm discovering more and more, is that running is the great equalizer. It is a rather individualistic sport, which while, 574.360.8046