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Showing posts from December, 2006

Here we come 'a caroling..

So last night I went caroling with a few friends. We know a bunch of families and some older folks in my neighborhood, so we made up a list of all of them, 12 or 13 total, and went hiking. It was lightly drizzling, but not enough to really get us wet. Additionally, there is always a lot of traffic during the Christmas season because the neighborhood is pretty popular for all the interesting lights and decorations displays.. they even go so far as to put little arrows up at intersections so that there is a common flow of traffic, with a donations booth at the end which gets divided up towards charities. So we even sang to some of the cars going by, though not all that much. Our friend who had all the songsheets couldn't make it so we were limited to our memory, but we got by... we sang a mean Silent Night! I'm not sure if I've ever done that before. As a younger child, I may have done it in more academic settings, but I don't think I've ever actually gone door


Every few months or a year or so, I happen to share some of my thoughts on how to track information more efficiently. This time around, it has an individual-based slant to it. People we know directly or indirectly, vast numbers of them, have scattered bits of information about themselves and their realms of knowledge all over the internet. I know some of you already know the intimate details about what I'm referring to... all the tech lingo, all the best practices, all the hot sites. But many of you don't, and many of you just think you know. I know I'm usually in the latter category. So with all these bits of information, we usually encounter them as we make a crooked trail through cyberspace, clicking link to link, searching out friends as they pop into our heads, and sometimes managing a sloppy list of bookmarks in our web browser, which has only been around since you got your latest computer. Nowadays, most blogs that people have can be plugged in to a special websi