- said to be the personal motto of Alex Haley, popular writer from The Gambia, West Africa. Friday night I drive home to Muncie, Saturday morning I drive down to the Indy airport with my parents. Many hours later, we arrive in The Gambia, the smallest country in Africa, touching the west coast and surrounded on all other sides by Senegal. Rebecca will meet us there and show us her life as a Peace Corps Volunteer for the next 10 days. We'll arrive back in Indianapolis 2 weeks from Friday. I'm looking forward to meeting the Mandinka people, the hot African sun of the dry season, and drinking in some time with my parents and my passionate sister. Wikipedia: The Gambia , Mandinka people CIA World Factbook , Peace Corps , Catholic Relief Services As a Christian, pray for and with the 95% Muslim population via their 99 names for God . Friends of Senegal and The Gambia .
justinpw@gmail.com, 574.360.8046