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Mike has finished the race.

14 months ago, Uncle Mike was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, and given 4 months to live. He made it till a week ago today, and in keeping with his lifelong passion for people, his final year saw countless people through his doors. I got to be with him 3 weeks ago! These last few days have been an incredible celebration of his life, and thankfully there is already a wealth of online information that I don't have to duplicate. My brother took a lot of pictures. Jim Schenkel summarized (see the addendum) his experience of one of the wakes, the funeral, and the burial. The Buffalo News has an obituary. I'm waiting/looking for a copy of the 1-2 minute spot that was carried on the news that evening. It was truly a powerful tribute, to a passionate, faithful man. Still thinking about you, Mike! Maybe I'll have a bike someday too. :)

(PS: I found a clip of the television news coverage! It's a short spot that will give you a glimpse of how expansive the funeral was..)

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